How to get building permition in Poland ? | Producent domów energooszczędnych, pasywnych, drewnianych, prefabrykowanych


How to get building permition in Poland ?

24 February, 2022

Dream house project found. You seem to be one step away from starting construction works, but before that, it is worth finding out whether the construction will require an official permit. How and where to obtain a building permit? Check! What projects require a building permit? The permission to build a house is an administrative decision. On its basis, it is possible to start and conduct the construction of a single-family building or other facility. The amendment to the provisions of the construction law allows for the construction of detached single-family residential buildings, the area of ​​influence of which is entirely on the plot, without a permit. This is done on the so-called registration. Despite changes in regulations, some investments still require a building permit. This applies, inter alia, to: – single-family terraced and semi-detached houses, – detached single-family residential buildings for which the impact area extends beyond the plot area, – year-round summer houses, – service buildings, multi-family buildings, – garages, gazebos and summer houses with an area of ​​more than 35 m2. The appropriate permit is also needed for the expansion of the above-mentioned facilities. How to get a permit to build a house? Before you find out where and how to get a house building permit, you need to know that without a complete construction project you will not get anything done. It is one of the most important attachments to the building permit application. Before you buy a project, however, you must remember to obtain an extract from the local spatial development plan (LDP) from the commune office or ask for a decision on land development and development conditions (WZiZT), if the land does not have a local development plan. Then a surveyor should be engaged to prepare a map for design purposes. Only with these documents it is possible to match and buy an appropriate architectural and construction design. How to get a building permit? – step by step explanation If you have a complete construction project in four copies, you can start the entire administrative process of obtaining a building permit. Step 1. Take care of the project adaptation To do this, you need to use the services of an architect who has the appropriate permissions. The finished house design must be adapted to the terrain conditions, i.e. wind, snow and frost zones. The architect will also prepare documentation for the Department of Reconciliation of Design Documentation (ZUDP) regarding the connection of utilities. It is about the supply of water, electricity, and possibly gas, as well as establishing conditions for the collection of sewage and solid waste. Step 2. Complete the application for a building permit Download the official application form for a building permit from the website or from the seat of the poviat starosty. The document should be completed in accordance with the current state: enter, inter alia, investor’s data, type of investment, its address and designation of the property (registration area, plot number). Step 3. Complete the required attachments A complete set of documents must be attached to the application for a building permit. It is worth remembering that some of them are valid for a certain period of time, e.g. 30 days, so it is better to collect them all in one period and submit them as soon as possible with the application. The attachments are: – construction design in four copies, – an excerpt from the land register of his and neighboring plots, – a declaration of the right to use the property for construction purposes, – determining the technical conditions for the delivery of utilities, – decision on building conditions and land development (if not previously issued), – certificate of the appropriate qualifications of an architect, – confirmation of payment in the case of real estate intended for activity. Step 4. Submit the application and wait for the decision The maximum waiting time for issuing a building permit after submitting an application with a complete set of documents to the starosty is 65 days. After receiving a positive decision, you can start building the house.

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